Disclaimer: I received a Party Pack of Mary Kay Andrews books from House Party for my friends and I to try. The opinions are my own.
Do you ever read a book because you enjoy it? Not because the writing is so stunning or impeccable, but because it’s fun? That’s why I read Mary Kay Andrews’ books. I like them. Are things sometimes very unrealistic in her books? Yes. Do I sometimes have to suspend disbelief? Yes. That’s why I read! If I wanted something supercalifragi-realistic I wouldn’t read. My own life is realistic enough.
I always look forward to her summer book release. It’s a sign that summer is on its way. This year’s summer release, Save the Date, is no different. But this time I get my copy before it’s released and House Party is sending me a free copy.
What is House Party?
I’m prepping for my Save the Date House Party and finding its fun. I host events a lot as part of my job, but I rarely host my own parties. Probably because it feels a little too much like “work”? Getting selected for a House Party pushes me out of my comfort zone and gets me to be social outside of work.
Here’s how the House Party process works:
- You apply to be a party host.
- If you are chosen, you start planning your party around the theme you were chosen for. There’s usually a suggested party date or date range.
- House party asks that you participate in certain activities, usually on social media.
- A few weeks before House Party and the party sponsor send you a party pack of products for you and your friends try during your party.
- Both on their website and in the pack you receive, they provide suggestions for recipes, decorations and activities.
- You have your party, have fun and take pictures.
- You follow up. Post your photos on the House Party website and take surveys.
Basically, House party provides product and swag. You provide opinions and promotion.
Save the Date/Ladies Night
For this party, House Party and Mary Kay Andrews sent copies of her most recent book, Ladies’ Night so hosts could hold a Save the Date Book Club. I was thrilled to be chosen for this particular party because, as I’ve clearly established, I love Mary Kay Andrews’ books, but I also love books. And I’ve never belonged to a book club. I hope that if this goes well we’ll continue as a regular group of friends discussing good books.
Here’s the plan for our little Save the Date book group. Because Ladies’ Night features a group of women meeting at a bar called the Sandbox my party theme will be all things “sandbox”.
Remember the good old days when parks used to have sandboxes? Hosting the book club at my favorite park means moms can bring their kids. I’ll put out our DIY moon sand in a big bin with cups and shovels, maybe put out a hula hoop and bubbles, and my son will definitely bring a soccer balls and baseball.
For the adults they’ll be conversation and discussion about Ladies’ Night while munching on bar-inspired snacks in cute little “bar baskets” and drinking peach iced tea for the adults. Oh, and we can’t forget those adorable cocktail drink umbrellas. We’ll definitely have those.
May 17th is he big day. That should leave me enough time to shop, prep and re-read Ladies Night, right? Wish me luck!
How fun! I didn’t know House Party did book parties! I totally would’ve signed up though my book club friends tend to like more serious books. I enjoy Mary Kay Andrews books though, sometimes I am in the mood for something light and fun. Enjoy the party, I can’t wait to hear about it.
Tanya, I’ve seen a couple other book House Parties already. Keep your eyes open!
Hope it is a grand success.
Thanks, Jeanne
Wishing you much success with your party. It sounds like some good reads.
Thanks! They are fun reads
This sounds like fun! I think I’ll apply and see how it goes. I’m stopping by from the blog hop & I’m a new follower. I hope you have a great Friday evening.