Everyday Field Trips: Go on a Shape Walk

How many shapes do you see in these photos?

Paolo is incredibly observant. He can pick out camouflaged frogs and birds that we can’t even see. One of the ways we honed his power of observation was playing games that encouraged him to notice things while we walked. I love I SPY-type games for this. An easy one is taking a shape walk. It’s simple, Take a walk and look for shapes.

How many different shapes can you find? Or how many circles can you find? You can make it even more challenging as they get better at it. How many shapes can you find that are not man-made? How many shapes you can make out of sticks, leaves, shells, or rocks?

You don’t have to go anywhere wild to do this either. You can do it in your front yard, a city park, or a walk downtown.

If you’re hearing “I’m bored” on walk, give this a try and let me know how it goes!

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