When P lost his first tooth the Tooth Fairy was creative and sweet. We read picture books about losing teeth, we wrote her a letter, and she delivered a pretty little pouch with money, a note and fairy dust. A couple of years later when he had his to have a tooth pulled the Tooth Fairy didn’t come. It was one of the hardest decisions I had to make as a parent, but I stuck to my guns and he learned something. When he had to have a second tooth pulled (this time not from lack of brushing) earlier this year, the tooth fairy tried to be subtle, but friendly. Now all I, er, the Tooth Fairy, cares about is getting the kid to brush his dang teeth. The Tooth Fairy is going for a more direct approach. One day he’s going to realize the Tooth Fairy is starting to sound an awful lot like his nagging mother and the gig will be up. Until then, well, the tooth-themed public service messages will continue.
“P, what do you think the Tooth Fairy was trying to say by giving you a toothbrush?” P’s face fell and he said, “Oops.” He thought about it for a minute and recovered, “But she said she liked my tooth!” I guess maybe the Tooth Fairy was a little too subtle after all.
Want to read more of our Tooth Fairy Adventures? Check out these posts:
When the Tooth Fairy Doesn’t Come
Good luck tooth fairy. My guy didn’t get the hint till had to have a tooth pulled last year. When you’re 25 with no insurance those dental bills teach you to brush real regularly.
One (tooth fairy/momna) can hope…
I’ve given the kids a dollar for each tooth they lost until they were old enough to realize there was no tooth fairy. One of my kids wasn’t very diligent with the tooth brushing. He only got a quarter with a note explaining that the tooth fairy doesn’t give as much for teeth that haven’t been ‘loved’. I felt like a butt for breaking my kid’s heart over $.75, but it made a point he didn’t soon forget.
I’m with you Missy. Better to learn a lesson early!
Ive had to raise the rates with each child over the years. lol Missy-love your rules for kids who dont brush.
P’s Tooth Fairy is stingy. Poor kid
Why didn’t I think of this. My boys love to “forget” to brush their teeth. I’m thinking it must be a boy thing because my girls, Madison including loves to brush. The next time one of them loses a tooth, the tooth fairy won’t show up. Not even a quarter Missy.
LOL. I thought for sure after he had to have a tooth pulled (what kid has to have a tooth pulled at 6?) he’d shape up. No dice.
I love the toothfairy visits, I put a trail of sparkles from the window to their bed
of course up here we give twoonies and loonies lol 
I love twoonies and loonies! Maybe I’ll have to get my hands on some for the next tooth. P lost one tooth while visiting family in Mexico so the Tooth Fairy and El Raton gave him pesos. A couple times I gave him dollar coins, but now i’m just thrilled if I remember to put the money under his pillow before he wakes up!
I love this idea! Super cute! I need to figure out how I’m going to handle the toothfairy when Ema starts loosing teeth this coming year! Ugh she is already that age?!? I feel old!
If I had thought about it I would have googled it back then, but now I’d say look on Pinterest. There are tons of great ideas!
Aww!! That’s a great idea for the tooth fairy to take up mommy responsibilities!
LOL. The TOoth Fairy has more pull than mom does!
Ah, nice try tooth fairy!