I’m a recovering evangelist.
Like married couples trying to set up their single friends so their friends can have what they have…well, I used to try to convince people, sometimes gently and sometimes aggressively, of what I believed.
I found the light, the weightlessness, the pure joy. I wanted everyone to feel what I felt.
If they only knew this joy, then surely they’d convert. If I could just translate my experience well enough, then they’d join me in this higher love. This good good feeling.
While I still feel certain that if they gave it a fair try, if they could just be open-minded, if they could suspend disbelief, they would experience the happiness I feel… I now know differently. For some, it’s just not possible.
It could be, they’re not ready, they have other interests, they are burdened by the weight and inescapable realities of the world, it’s just not their thing, or sometimes it’s about mental health.
I’ve come to the conclusion, this life is not for everyone. On gorgeous snowy days when I am especially filled with this joy, it makes me sad to know how few of us feel it with me, but that’s okay. Not everyone wants to become a snow lover. I mean, snow is a miracle. Water transforms into a solid and each snowflake is born with its own uniquely intricate design, but we won’t talk about that. I’m on the road to recovery.
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