This post was originally a part of the Fantabulous Fall Favorites blog chain put together by a great group of bloggers. The theme this week is pumpkins. Be sure to check out all the great ideas shared at the end of this post!
Pumpkin Ninjas, stealthily delivering pumpkins & fall decorations in the dark of night!
Know anything about ninjas? Here’s a little from Wikipedia: “The functions of the ninja included espionage, sabotage, infiltration, and assassination, and open combat in certain situations.”
Nope, there’s no sabotage, or assassination in our Halloween future, but there will be a little espionage, infiltration and stealth. This year instead of carving pumpkins we’re going to be Pumpkin Ninjas, helping family and neighbors get in the Halloween Spirit. We know a few people who no longer have young children at home, but would love to have the homemade decorations kids make. So we’re making decorations, getting ready to be stealthy like ninjas, and then decorating their porches or front doors for Halloween.
First we made felt bats using the template from Country Living Spooky & Bright: 101 Halloween Ideas (Country Living (Hearst)). They were super easy to cut out. We’ll use good old duct tape to put them on doors.
We decorated these mini white pumpkins (no carving, yay!) with Sharpies, Mod Podge and glitter. Yay, glitter!
Then we designed our own Halloween door hanger using a candy corn theme and a knock-knock joke because people knock on doors…get it? ***Halloween joke courtesy of P.
We’re all set to be Pumpkin Ninjas as soon as the time is right. We’re thinking October 19, the next full moon for extra Halloween effect. What do you think?
How to plan your own Halloween Ninja “Attack”
- Pick a neighbor or family friend that would appreciate some Halloween or Autumn-themed decorating.
- Make (or buy if you’re short on time) several decorations that you think they’d appreciate. If they don’t enjoy Halloween, decorate in an autumn harvest theme with things like pumpkins, straw, fall leaves and corn stalks instead.
- Get dressed in black (like a ninja!) and plan your secret delivery. Keep in mind motion sensor lights, dogs that might bark and the sounds your car doors make when they close. We plan to park down the block and walk in.
- Place your decorations and take time to appreciate your work….then get the heck out of the there before they discover their very own Pumpkin Ninjas!
Interested in more amazing Pumpkins ideas? Check out these posts!
Momma on Wheels – DIY Glitz Pumpkins
From the Burbs to the Boonies – Health Benefits of Pumpkin
Bee Tree Studios – This is Halloween, Halloween!
Gift of Curiosity – Pumpkin Decorating with Melted Crayons
Still want more? Head to our Fantabulous Fall Favorites Pinterest Board!
I love the idea! What a fun–and kind–thing to do! Take some pictures and let us know how October 19 goes!
P told me that the 19th isn’t soon enough so as soon as I kick this pneumonia we’re going to do it. I’ll be sure to post the results!
This is such a fun idea! Is your son excited about it? I love that you’re going to be doing this on the full moon.
He’s super excited about it, the kind of excited where he might blow it and tell the recipients before we can actually do it!
That’s hilarious! Sounds like my 11 year old. He can’t keep a secret at all. I’ve nominated you for a blog award. You can read about it on my blog today
Thanks for the nomination!
They did this in the neighborhood I lived in last year. All the kids were loving this! It wasn’t exactly the Ninja idea. But it was one that was similar. I’m sure you kids had fun!
Oh man! Here I thought we invented something new! LOL.
What a fun idea! My brother and I used to do something like that every year for May Day (May 1). We would make baskets of flowers, put them on people’s doorsteps, ring the doorbell, and then run!
We find a hiding spot where we could still see people’s reactions when they opened the door and found the flowers. But I still remember one neighbor who didn’t notice the flowers but saw us running away. She came after us really mad for ding-dong ditching her, until she caught up to us and we explained what we’d done.
Such a fun thing you guys do!
LOL. We used to do May day baskets, too! But we just left them without ringing the doorbell.
This is so neat. It teaches kids so many things – about generosity and caring, about thinking of others and doing for them, not to mention actually making the crafts and being creative. I really really love this idea. We have a nursing home here in town maybe we could do something like that for them.
This sounds like so much fun! I can’t wait until my son’s old enough to do fun things like this with me.
Love the door hanger!