This isn’t my normal type of content, but I think this year we could all use a little fun about now.
When Paolo was younger, we did Elf on the Shelf for a few years. We did it with a twist, making it about spreading the holiday spirit and not about behavior. If you’re interested, you can see what we did here. I don’t think Elf on the Shelf is for everyone. It’s always been my opinion that you should do it if it’s fun for YOU to make it happen. If it doesn’t bring you joy, then don’t do it. I loved setting up funny scenarios for our elf, Elf-vis. Paolo loved looking for Elf-vis every day. And we both loved doing the activities the elf assigned to Paolo.
Now Paolo’s 16 and the holiday season from November to January is a whole lot different. It’s still about family, great meals, and delicious treats, but the anticipation and sparkle are gone. I think teens (and adults) need a little holiday magic, too.
Last year I started Polar Bear in the Teen Lair. I bought a stuffed polar bear and introduced Percy Ursus.

I left it open-ended. I didn’t do it every day. I picked up a few treats, shared jokes, and drawings. Just little stuff to make him smile.

Did he roll his eyes? Of course, he did. Did he secretly love it? Absolutely.
It doesn’t have to be a plush character. It doesn’t have to be a teen. You could do 25 days of corny Christmas jokes left on your spouse’s pillow. Or, Hershey’s kisses in your teen’s or spouse’s jacket pocket on all the Mondays between Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Or seasonal bakery cookies waiting for your teen when they get home from school once a week. Or their old action heroes or Barbies doing random, silly things around the house. Or decorate their door, put up twinkle lights, and decorate a mini tree.
Get creative. Have fun. Make them smile. I bet you’ll smile, too.
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