What four things make a fantastic outdoor field trip for kids? Sticks, rocks, water and mud, of course. McMurry Natural Area in Fort Collins has all four and a bridge to boot. It was perfect for our late afternoon outing yesterday.
Not only was it great fun to play and explore at McMurry Natural Area, but the kids slept good that night. Fresh air and exercise are just the ticket for wearing your kids out.
Not near Fort Collins, Colorado? Where do you take your kids to burn energy and have some good old fashioned fun?
I’m a great believer in kids of all ages having safe experiences in or near water. This fills the bill for me!
We’ve driven through Fort Collins, but next time we’ll need to stop. I love the pictures of him having so much fun. I’m sure you are a stone skipping champ too.
It is definitely worth stopping! There’s so much to do. I’ve been out here so many times, but each time we see or do something new. We love it!
I remember myself as a kind by the favourite river looking for the most beautiful stones… one of the best memories! thanks for this post!
We spend a lot of time looking for neat rocks. We finally had to create a rock garden to make use of all of our great finds!
I live on a smallholding in France and our boys have loads of space to be as free as kids should be and utilise sticks, mud etc to their heart’s content. A proper childhood
Free-range childhood is the best! It’s wonderful that you have the space to be able to do that.
This is great! I love the picture and I bet your kids had a great time. I love when I take my little one to long walks. He always come home and sleep all night too.
Thanks! I sleep well, too after those outdoor adventures.