Our living room looks like a crime scene. I’m not kidding and I don’t think I’m exaggerating.
I often compare our living room to a rummage sale and an art studio. It’s rarely clean or even straightened. On a good day we have to navigate the river of scissors, markers, glue and paper scraps to get to the couch. Most days, I’d be mortified if someone stopped by unexpectedly. To be fair, it was pretty close to crime scene material before he started this new project. It’s the creativity hub in our home. You might even say it’s a victim of our creativity.
P’s never seen a crime scene on television. He just has surplus creativity bursting out of his pores and he’s using that surplus to plan a Halloween party…already (he started planning in January). To decorate for his dream Halloween party he’s been making bloody bones out of q-tips and cotton balls, and bloody bandages with toilet paper and his red dauber. He’s also been making paper skeletons. I asked him to organize his bloody piles a little bit. Now they’re in little plastic baggies which coincidentally make them look like crime scene evidence. Brilliant suggestion on my part.
Would I prefer he use his creative skills drawing wildlife or cartoon characters? Yes. Am I going to squelch his imagination and ingenuity because he’s spellbound by with all things Halloween? No.
The same boy loves stuffed animals and snuggling. He thinks often of his family members spread across the world and how they are doing. He memorizes song lyrics so he can make dance routines to his favorite songs. He’s an observer of nature and so attuned to what’s going on around him that he spots insects that literally no one has seen in a county before. Am I worried about an impromptu crime scene? No.

If bloody crafts are what he’s into now, I’m not going to say a thing. He’ll move on to something else in a few months. And if he doesn’t? He could be the next M. Night Shyamalan and I’ll be sitting in my clutter-free living room wishing it was still the creativity hub.
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This is great. I love how creative your son is and that you let him find his creative outlet. Now I can handle the blood, bones and skeleton (I am a mom of 3 boys) but what is up with the enormous hiding spider. I might just start having nightmares.
LOL. I wasn’t there when he found it and his grandpa took photos, but I think the photo makes it look bigger than it was…which makes the discovery that much more amazing. It took his good eye to find something no one else had.
I think a surprise visit to your house would be fun! And I am fully in Paolo’s Camp, Halloween is the best of all the holidays.
A surprise visit would be revealing, that’s for sure
I’m with you and Paolo on the favorite holiday!
VERY Creative child!
My kids love Halloween too. 
Yep, it’s his favorite holiday…all year long!