Did you know you can follow food trucks on Facebook and some even post updates on where there are, if they’re out of food, and what their specials are? Well, you can and they do.
Food trucks are so, so, so awesome. No really. Someone rolls up to where you are to bring you fresh food, and sometimes even ice cream. Until recently, in Green Bay I usually only saw food trucks at fairs, farmers markets or festivals, but last summer both Appleton and Green Bay had designated food truck days. Guess what? The food truck awesomeness continues this summer.

In Green Bay several food trucks roll up for Lunch with Morty on Main Street on Thursdays. While you’re there, checkout Olde Main’s buildings or take a look at some of the Art on Main.
On a smaller scale, there are one or two food trucks on Fridays at Brown County Library’s Food Truck Fridays at their Central Library. After lunch pick up some books and burn some of the kids’ energy on the Born Learning Trail.
And technically an ice cream truck is a food truck. Downtown Green Bay’s Summer in the Park not only features live music, but also Thibby’s Ice Cream and Brown County Library’s Bookmobile.
In the Appleton area there’s the Fox Valley Food Truck Rally. They have an impressive number of food trucks and it’s a great opportunity to explore Appleton a little more.
If you like to make your kids work for their food (and I do) make it a learning experience about different kinds of food, handling money, and learning independence by ordering their own food.
Can’t get to a food truck? The Wednesday night Farmer’s Market or the Saturday morning Farmers Market are other great food field trips with lots of new things to sample and learn to love.
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