Remember tip #1 for living a field trip life? Field trips don’t have to come with a ticket or an admission price. Field trips can happen anywhere and you can find them anywhere…if you’re looking for them. A few weeks ago while were visiting family in Fort Collins we headed over to a local store, JAX , for some entertainment. JAX is an outdoor outfitter with all kinds of gear, from kayaks to army surplus, and lots of indoor fun, too. Great quality gear, unique toys, even a coffee bar. We love this store. My mom adores this store. Once we walk in I can never find her and if I do find her, I can’t get her to leave. Every summer we make sure to “stop in” for an hour or so.
Usually I spend most of my time drooling on the kitchen and cookware section and P inspects every toy in the toy department, but during this visit we walked around other, unfamiliar parts of the store in the satellite buildings. We spent about an hour trying on a selection of military hats, looking at guns and accessories, checking out the archery range, admiring the pond, and posing with statues. P found Bertie Bott’s every flavor beans (Eating those was a whole other field trip), my brother bought a new hat and I took dozens of photos. Our trip to Jax wasn’t going to appear in any headlines, but we had fun discovering new corners of the store and spending time together.
A new Cabela’s is opening in a few days here in Green Bay. We may have to make a field trip to that store as well. That’ll be one of our next inexpensive, beat the heat, field trips for sure!
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