Driving around with a piñata

pinata in car

My car is often a topic of conversation at work. Not really among my co-workers, but among our customers. It’s an unusual burnt orange color and for some reason it’s a conversation starter.

Today as I was walking in to work, a guy waiting outside said, “That car’s too sporty for you!” I tried to be diplomatic and vague in my reply, but I was kind of insulted. Why shouldn’t I drive a sporty car?! He went on to say I should be driving something bigger, like four-wheel drive, with spikes on the wheels. Now that’s more like it! I think…Later the same day our delivery guy leaned in close and stage whispered “I like that hula hoop you’re riding around with.” I got to thinking. In my job, my family, my life, well,  on any given day I may have something conversation worthy riding around with me. Of course there’s the standard- bicycles, soccer equipment, suitcases, groceries, and craft supplies but I also cart around some pretty strange stuff.

  • A slow cooker full of Mexican hot chocolate that spilled all over as I slowly (I swear!) drove to put on a program at another library.
  • Found items. My child is a Magpie. He collects nearly everything he spots on the ground. The backseat is often filled with rocks, sticks, feathers and other bits of nature.
  • More strange secondhand and rummage sale stuff than you can imagine; a 3’x4′ framed velour picture of tiger, for instance.
  • A trunk full of gifts for upcoming holidays. The trunk is always full. It’s the one place our son won’t look for hidden gifts.
  • An enormous package that our son’s crib arrived at the UPS  pickup center in (we ended up having to drive home holding the doors of the car shut the whole way because it was wider than the car).
  • Coke. I always have a 12 pack of Coca-Cola in my car. Not because I like to have one handy while I drive around, but because if I want one while I’m at home or work, I have to go out to the car (sometimes in the snow) and put it in the fridge before I can drink it. And because I’m often too lazy to do that, I drink fewer cans.
  • An enormous bright yellow piñata for a children’s Cinco de Mayo program.

Each of these things also came with  their own memorable stories. I’ve had this car for more than ten years now. It’s been good to me and all the unusual things I cart around.

What are the strange things you chauffeur around town?

My trusty car
My trusty car


  1. And the crib box? You planning on packaging it (the crib) up someday or waiting for a big cardboard project that you will be instantly ready for?

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