Green Bay has been called a drinking town with a football problem. Certainly, a team does take the spotlight nine months of the year. But during the Safer at Home order, something’s become clear. Something many of us might not know, living in the shadow of our gorgeous and uber-popular neighbor Door County. Something many Brown County residents have recently discovered. We live in a county filled with beautiful parks and natural areas.
I already loved getting outside, but there’s something about being cooped up way more than usual. By the time the afternoon rolls around I start itching to get outside and move and explore. Normally, I prefer narrow, winding trails through dense trees or along creeks. Trails where there’s something new to discover around every corner, behind every tree.
The quarantine pushed me to try new trails. I thought I knew all the *good* trails. Now I have so many new favorites. And we’ve seen neat animals, birds, plants, and trees on each of the trails.
While this list is Hiking Trails in Brown County, almost all of these trails are fine for plain old walking. If I’m being honest, many times we don’t even hit walking speed. We are slow hikers. Some are great for biking, too. Lots are perfect for strollers. Just one doesn’t have anything but deer trails and isn’t for beginners (the Green Bay Western Shores State Wildlife Area). You can scope out many of these trails on Brown County’s Trails page.
Printable Trails in Brown County, WI List
Our favorites during the quarantine have been Neshota, Sensiba, and Bay Shore. Our best time to hit them is after 6:00 pm. The light is beautiful and the trails aren’t busy. It’s great to have a scenic drive and a hike to look forward to when I’m at work or helping P navigate the world of virtual education.
Save or print the list. Hit the trails. As you check them off your list, tell us which ones were your favorites!
*Some trails are busier than others right now. Try to hit the trails before 10:00 am and after 4:00 pm. It’s a good idea to have a backup hike in mind. If the parking area is full, you can drive by and head to your second option. Some are temporarily closed or have limited access. Check online before you head out to make sure they’re open.
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