Miss Exclusive of the World
No, I’m not competing for Miss Exclusive of the World (big surprise, right?). I’m posting this silly photo of myself to support my niece, Paola … continue reading
Mini Field Trip: Make Your Lunch to Go
I can’t emphasize enough, field trips don’t require lots of preparation and forethought. A last-minute lunch on the river or lake is a great field … continue reading
Reading by Moonlight
Have you ever read with your children outside at night? Driving home from work last night, the nearly full moon was gorgeous. When I stepped … continue reading
Mini Field Trip: Born Learning Trail
Have you checked out the Born Learning trail at Brown County’s Central Library yet? It’s FREE. It’s FUN. It’s EDUCATIONAL. It’s NOT an electronic gizmo. … continue reading
Wisconsin Travel: Bookworm Gardens in Sheboygan
Disclosure: While the field trip was super, my son’s behavior was not. For those of you who have the impression that life is perfect at … continue reading