Month: January 2014

Om, the Power of Distraction
In the Beginning Second grade started okay. P seemed to be bringing home the notes and forms from school. Then his take-home folder, which should … continue reading

Throwback Thursday: Writing
I’m going way back to my seventh grade writing class taught by my friend’s mom, Ann (quite possibly the best writing teacher ever). I discovered … continue reading

Notes from My Travels: Bathrooms Around the World
Are you hovering over the back button wondering whether you should back the heck out of this weird post? Or maybe you’re just oddly curious? … continue reading

Make a Gift Fit for a Queen
We all know someone who deserves to be treated like royalty, don’t we? Valentine’s Day is a great time to let friends know we think … continue reading

Why I’ll Visit the Oneida Nation Museum Again (and again)
Thankfully our morning at the museum wasn’t like the movie Night at the Museum. Saturday my son’s scout den visited the Oneida Museum. P and I … continue reading

3 Distractions from the Great Polar Vortex of 2014
What happens when school is cancelled three days in a row? Kids (and parents) get cabin fever. Even the biggest couch potato is whining, “I’m bored!” … continue reading

Scout Neckerchief Slide-33, Mom-1
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…I grab the glue gun. After P lost his scout neckerchief slide for the 33rd time in … continue reading

Good Things in a Jar
This is the first year in a long time that I feel good, really good, going into the new year. For the past several years, … continue reading