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A couple of weeks ago I challenged myself to read 7 books during my 11 day vacation.
I read so much, I dreamed that author John Green came to speak at a very surreal library conference held in my workplace. Wierd.
Did I read 7 books? Yes and no. I read five that were on my list, one that wasn’t and half of two other novels bringing my grand total to 7 books read in 11 days. Yes!
It felt downright indulgent spending so much time reading. I never get to read that much. I read through Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska and into Colorado. When we got to my brother’s house, I stayed up into the wee hours desperately following the characters across the pages night after night. Then I read my way back to Wisconsin through Colorado, Nebraska and Iowa again. And you know what I did once we got home and everyone was in bed? I left the suitcases and road trip debris in the living room and settled in to read just a little bit more by the glow of my tablet.
Now how am I supposed to stop this runaway reading habit?
Books read:
This is What Happiness Looks Like by Jennifer Smith. I enjoyed this book, but I didn’t love it. It read like a teen Nicholas Sparks novel which is great if you love Nicholas Sparks (but I do not). I loved the parts of the story told in emails. I’m a sucker for any novel told through correspondence!
If You Find Me by Emily Murdoch. This young adult novel reminded me of a modern Cynthia Voigt story. Carey and Jenessa, abandoned by mom and living barely surviving in the woods alone for years, try to adjust to a more conventional and comfortable life. I could not stop turning pages.
Say Goodbye to Survival Mode by Crystal Paine. The Money Saving Mom covers more than just saving money in this book about setting priorities, achieving goals and getting organized.
Speaking from Among the Bones by Alan Bradley. Book 5 in the Flavia de Luce series didn’t leave me disappointed. I can’t get enough of that cheeky British 11-year-old sleuth!
Killer Cupid by Laura Levine. The Jaine Austen series is just want I want in a cozy mystery- light and funny. Jaine is on the heavy side, has an insufferable (but loveable) cat and finds herself in the middle of murder investigations regularly. I just learned the author used to write for sitcoms including The Bob Newhart Show, Laverne and Shirley, The Love Boat and Three’s Company. No wonder I like her stuff so much!
An Abundance of Katherines by John Green. It’s John Green. ‘Nuff said.
Being Henry David by Cal Armistead. I picked this young adult novel up because of the reference to Henry David Thoreau. I wasn’t disappointed. When “Hank” wakes up in a bus station with amnesia he feels compelled to follow in Thoreau’s footsteps to find out who he is. It turns out he’s in for more than he bargained for.
How to Blog for Profit without Selling Your Soul by Ruth Soukop. I learned a lot reading this one. I learned I have a lot of hard work ahead of me
Don’t stop the runaway reading habit! And blog about the books you read
What did you end up reading? Hope Survival Mode was one of them!
I updated the post with titles of the books I read. There was a widget of the books originally. I don’t know where it disappeared to!
Yes you must tell of the books you read.
Your vacation reading sounds fantastic and 7 books in 11 days is very impressive! I dream of someday being able to just sit around and read for a week or so. In the mean time, I really enjoy Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-a-Thon which at least gives me an excuse to do nothing but read for a day
It definitely doesn’t happen too often for me, but I take those opportunities when they come my way!