I am Easily Amused

Life as a Field Trip

“You are easily amused.” Sounds like an insult, right? I’ve heard it more than a few times. It’s usually followed by, “You need to get out more.”

I am easily amused. I laugh too hard at jokes. I’m usually the last person laughing after everyone else has had their fill. I get excited when I see new birds at the feeder. Sometimes my eyes tear up (happily) if a song hits me in the right way at the right time. I break into an ear-to-ear smile when I step outside into a windy, snowy day. And there’s nothing like the feeling you get after you work up a sweat setting up a tent, grunting and stretching and maybe even arguing with your son. It’s very satisfying. When the tent is up I like to stand there with my hands perched on my hips in Supergirl pose and survey the work we’ve done. Of course, I’m wearing a satisfied smile.

Recently someone told me, “You always have a smile on your face*. You’re always smiling. Why are you always so happy?” My family might disagree, but I smile a lot because the alternative is no fun. I enjoy spending my day happy. I got tired of being negative, of being sad, of not having fun every day. I spent too much time complaining about what was wrong with work, my partner, the world. Now? Now I’d rather find the joy. And laugh. Laughing’ s my favorite.

We are far too happy to be on garbage detail at Art Street

I laugh too loud (it’s not uncommon to hear me snort-laugh). I laugh too long. I clap too long. I say “awesome” too much (but everything IS awesome). I overuse happy emojis…and hearts. I am easily amused. How about you?

*My family will tell you I’m not always smiling and happy. Nobody can be happy all the time. That’s an unrealistic expectation. I get angry, discouraged, sad like anyone else. But I try to choose to be easily amused as often as I can.

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