Winter Outing: Exploring Barkhausen Waterfowl Preserve

Barkhausen in Winter

Located just outside of Green Bay, Barkhausen is easy to miss as you speed down 41. Chances are, you pass the exit to it when you drive to the NEW Zoo. We love the Zoo, but if you’re looking for something a little quieter, less touristy, a way to get out in nature, then Barkhausen is just the thing.

Otter and goose tracks

A beautiful Brown County Park and Interpretation Center with 920 acres of forest, meadows and wetlands located on the west shore of Green Bay.

Barkhausen is a waterfowl and wildlife refuge. You could just go for a hike and explore the indoor Interpretive Center and it would be worth the visit. If you’re looking for a little more, they also have programs. Programming covers everything from the physical (snowshoeing and night hikes) to educational (lectures on the natural world) to hands on (maple syruping, winter survival, and bird-house building).

Our Cub Scout pack went on naturalist-led discovery hike in January. As we walked around the preserve, the Ben pointed out tracks and other signs animals leave behind. The snow wasn’t ideal for tracks, but we did get to see otter tracks, both footprints and the belly prints they leave when they slide. We also saw a vole tunnel in the snow, deer crossing the wetland, and an osprey. But what did P enjoy most? Throwing chunks of ice and snow on the ice after the hike.

The scouts were fascinated with large tadpoles frozen in the ice.

For many, this is the toughest part of winter. We’ve made it through most of the season, spring is *just* around the corner, and we all have a serious case of cabin fever. Why not get your family out of the house and explore Barkhausen?

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