Cryptid Case Files: Case K.02

Cryptid Case Files {life as a field trip}
noun: cryptozoology
the search for and study of animals whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated, such as the Loch Ness monster and the yeti.

While Brain Drain and Summer Slide may seem like they could be mythological monsters, they are all too real. Last week, we had fun fighting those beastly opponents with the first Case File (zombies), but getting P to write was a challenge. He barely wrote four sentences, but he did read for hours about zombies and other mythical monsters on Saturday and Sunday night.

For me, the highlight of the week was definitely drawing zombies together. He didn’t care for the drawing books I borrowed from the library so he looked up “How to draw simple zombies” on YouTube. He found this awesome zombie drawing tutorial which led him to draw other monsters. Who knew letters of the alphabet could make drawing easier?

Cryptid Case Files Zombies

Case File K.02

This week is all about the Kraken. I can tell P is looking forward to this one. This morning I started to tell him this week is Football Week at day camp, but before I could finish the sentence with “Football” he said “It’s Kraken week.” Clearly, his normally sports-oriented mind is on The Cryptid Case Files. (Insert metal fist bump here > Yes!)

Cryptid Case Files K.02
This week’s Case Objectives

Print your copy of Case File K.02

There are so many ways to expand the Kraken Case File Objectives, but there wasn’t enough room for all of them. I wanted to add reading from Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters and the Don’t Sink the Boat science experiment , for starters. I made myself stop dreaming up activities, but feel free to make your own additions.

You and the kids haven’t started yet? No worries. Start here: Cryptid Case File One: Zombies. There’s no deadline and there’s no reason you can’t save the Cryptid Case Files for cold winter days.

See you next week for Case File 3!

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